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muy buen juego :)


In the game, I finished the month with $179.370 and my health is at 40%. As someone who lives in a country poorer than Chile and has always tried not to splurge in real life, I felt like maybe I could have done better.  But perhaps it was just me.

Anyways, this game was awesome because it demonstrated how poverty forces people to get stuck in a vicious cycle where they have to worry about their expenses every day. I empathize with Chileans (even though my country is poorer and less stable than Chile) and I hope positive change happens there soon. 


interesante juego pero  falta precisión por ejemplo el tema del cae esta mal sacado y seria genial poder jugar unos 6 meses, lo de la salud tampoco esta muy bien calculado, bueno como digo un juego interesante pero le falta mas desarrollo, exito.

También seria interesante poder vivir con un compañero para hacerlo mas realista.


I did surprisingly well


esta muy bueno el juego deberia tener mas apoyo :)


it should be on steam!

hope it work well, i try to ignore the problems often so i just dont think about that, anyways good luck...


Este juego se ha vuelto muy relevante en estos días.


Muy buen juego! Suerte con tus proyectos, este es hermoso, y el arte sublime!


This is a great use of the Visual Novel format.

Often, visual novels are stressful because they are about making choices that you don't know what the outcome will be, but in this case, the stress was the point of the game, so it worked really well.

This is a great example of a game, that makes people feel something and makes people think, and it did it with these great little sets. Your other game, Long Gone Days, is visually amazing with these huge sets, and it's beautiful, so it's amazing to see that you are able to convey a game world with such smaller sets too. That's masterful.

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I paid the rent and was still forced to take a loan at the end of the month to pay it again?!


Este juego es increíble, me recordó muchísimo a mi mamá: trabajando el día entero en un call center, teniendo que pedir prestamos al banco para comprar comida, los despidos sin ningún motivo. Y todo eso teniendo una carrera. Realmente es un ciclo casi imposible de escapar. 


Me encantó! Habrán más días disponibles próximamente?


hola saludos desde chile :) (

Hello greetings from Chile :) )

how do you play? im confused rn :((


you click on the phrases in red, and u will be able to choose when there  are 2


This is a really cool game! The art is so cute and helped offset how stressed I was the entire time. 

Can you release Download Edition?


This game shows very effectively how poverty is a cycle, and how even the most basic of necessities and kindnesses become a stressful burden when you have so little to work with. Poor people have to work ten times harder than middle class or higher people to make ends meet. I think the only part missing here is the problem of having to buy cheap appliances/clothes/shoes etc only for them to break faster and needing replacing faster, thus ending up being more expensive. Other than that, I think you covered all aspects of poverty and minimum wage life very well. Fantastic job.


Thank you so much for your kind comment, I'm glad to read you liked it!

I picked the long hair sprite (presumably implies girl) in the selection but the next slide (i don't know better term to use atm, sorry) it shows the male sprite sitting in the room. It fixes itself in the next slide, now showing the girl sprite. See 3 photos attached, in order.


(1 edit) (+2)

Ooh, thanks for letting me know! I'll fix it right away!

Edit: It's been fixed now (you might need to clean your cache to see the change, though). Thanks for your help, once again!

Fue una experiencia muy interesante y te felicito por haber hecho un juego que tocara este tema.

No me fue nada bien, me vi obligado a tomar el crédito para poder pagar el arriendo... una desgracia.

Hubo un par de decisiones que el juego tomó por mí y eché de menos el no poder haber hecho otra cosa (como no comprar un plan para el celular), pero también es cierto que hace parte de la narrativa.

Visualmente es hermoso, y me sorprendió ver que estuviera hecho con Twine (o eso parece).

Mucho muy bueno. Gracias por desarrollarlo y compartirlo.

Where can I play this?


Me engañaron, esto no es un juego, esto es un documental interactivo. Excelente documental interactivo. La historia es lo importante aquí, no la jugabilidad. esto merece un 10/10, sólo por que yo hubiera elegido un paquete de datos y llamadas menor, pero no lo permite.



This is literally what is like to be live (born and raised) and work in a third-world country. I've experience this kind of life, being a corporate slave. Oh and, they expect you won't be burned out at all.


I found the idea good and the realization just wonderful. What I missed was the bright side of live. This mimics a subjective reality indeed, though I'd loved to see  it encouraging people to do little more about it. There are good things in life which doesn't involve money (at least yet). I moved abroad to start a second career living (almost) out of thin air, and yet I enjoyed it very much. Enjoying time with friends will always cost money? Internet is only used to get bills? There's no way of learning new things, and thee only way of getting a bit more money is doing a bit of overtime which will get you sick? No free museums? Libraries? Parks? Is Chile really that bad?

This (a bit) depressing sight of live is great for people not to feel alone and in despair, yet I missed the message that there are much more to it.

Just giving you an unrequested feedback, sorry for that!

Awesome work! Thanks for all the time, effort and love put into this project!

Best of luck!

actually played this some time ago, but it left an impact that I had to check it again. Interesting game with lovely pixel! The desperation of surviving feels real...

very interesting game


You can't understand poverty, you have to experience it. Thank you for making this possible with your project.


Thank you so much!


I liked the game especially the realism of not having a happy ending. I think the most irritating thing in the game was playing with minimum wage and getting a student loan bill when clearly college did not help us at all.


¡Realmente me gustó este juego!
Quería volver a estudiar esperanto cuando leí que tenía ese idioma disponible jaja
Soy de Brasil, el ingreso mensual de mi familia es muy privilegiado, en comparación con la mayoría de los brasileños. Hice el juego de lo que hago aquí en mi vida personal, y el resultado no fue bueno "Terminaste este mes con $ 168,720 y tu salud está al 40%"
Lamenté el peso de las decisiones que tomé al final del mes

Para sentir un poco mejor los precios, convertí el peso chileno al Real

Y cómo este miedo a perder el trabajo se retrató de manera muy perfecta, con ropa, pequeños retrasos e incluso quedarse más tiempo en el trabajo.
Terminé el juego con un sentimiento similar al de la película "parásito", un sentimiento de pesimismo sobre el futuro que parece no cambiar y rebela a la burguesía

Lo siento por mi español, tuve mucha ayuda del traductor de Google


Muchísimas gracias por tu comentario!

Este juego lo escribí basándome en mis propias experiencias (ahora estoy bien afortunadamente) sin saber qué tan común eran este tipo de situaciones, y me sorprende ver lo universal que es.

Y wow, la comparación con Parasite es un tremendo halago! Me gusta mucho que se utilicen este tipo de medios para generar empatía y mostrar distintos puntos de vista.


Really nice game and with educational value, thank you for the insights regarding Chile as well!

Thank you so much for playing it!


This Was Such An Amazing Game!!!

I Played It Like 6 Times Now To Finally Be Able To Not Get The Loan.

Really Loved It, Thanks For Making This

Whoa, thanks for the nice comment!


Vi la publicación en ETC y quede encantado con la experiencia, me sorprende que pague tan poco por el plan de datos, lo del gas no se ya que siempre almuerzo y desayuno en el trabajo, bien trabajo enserio. 

Muchísimas gracias por jugarlo! Como referencia de los precios del plan usé a Virgin (va a sonar como publicidad, pero ahora tienen varios planes, no bolsas, de varios gigas desde 4.000 mensuales).

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Le agragaria un calendario donde se cuenten los dias. no sé si estoy perdido pero va como 3 veces al super en 1 semana, apenas uno va dos veces al super al mes, para ahorrar colectivo, pero eso es de cada quien jajaja, good game.

ok thanks,just wanted to know.

great game I have a question though can replay the game over and over again?

At the moment there's no easy way to do that, unfortunately :( The easiest way to do so is to open the game in incognito mode for each run.


great game! i learnt a lot. was wondering if there is an option to replay the game again? i refreshed but was brought back to the results page!


Thank you! Unfortunately the only way I can think of to reply the game again quickly is to open it in incognito mode so it doesn't "save" your progress when you reload the page.


I love your art style! This is a fantastic way to call attention to a huge issue, thank you for making it.

Thank you so much for playing it! I'm glad you liked it 🙌!

This is an excellent game, and it really piqued my anxiety as an already lower-middle class person leaving home and going to college in one year.

Buen juego, sinceramente te daria algo de plata pero mi familia no me daria el permiso porque es un juego y especialmente porque creen que las personas de sueldo minimo quieren tener el sueldo minimo porque no estudiaron.

no hace falta decir que esta mal con lo que creen.

Las donaciones son completamente opcionales, nadie debería sentirse presionado a hacerlo. Agradezco igual tus intenciones!

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